
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Menu Plan April 17-23

Wow! We're already mid-way through April. Can you believe it? I remember when I was a kid and it seemed like time used to drag on. Christmas would never get here! Summer would never get here! School....well, it always showed up too soon! Ha ha!

Seriously, though, doesn't it seem like time is just flying by quicker these days? Or is it just something that happens as you get older?

This is another busy week, so I'm going to try to keep it simple, although I've got a couple of new recipes to try.

Here's the plan:

Pasta fagioli (in the crockpot), homemade bread

Spaghetti and meatballs, cheesy garlic breadsticks

Fish tacos - would you believe I've never had fish tacos before?

Grilled pork chops, roasted red potatoes

Fiesta chicken and rice, green beans

Grilled hamburgers, crispy potato wedges

Chicken peanut wraps

For more menu planning ideas, head over to Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday. You'll find hundreds of menu plans to fit a variety of needs - frugal, gluten-free, etc. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Foodie,
    Stopping in with from Ask Ms Recipe . I've got a food linky on Marvelous Menu for you to link so we can visit each other.
    Until Next time,

    Ask Ms Recipe
