
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Not Back to School Blog Hop Week 2

Not Back to School Blog Hop

This week's theme for the Not Back to School Blog Hop is school rooms. We are blessed to have a separate room to use for school. In our old house, we used the dining room table and had to pack everything up every day. It was tedious, to say the least. And I couldn't put posters on the wall.

When we started looking for a new house, a school room was at the top of my wish list. Hubby wanted an office because he works from home quite a bit. Well, the Lord gave us both! Come and take a look at my school room.

When you walk into the room, you see my desk. Right now it's clean, but before long it will be covered with stacks of paper and books.

On the wall above my desk is my new wall map. It gives me something to look at. Oh, it will be useful in our studies, too. I tried to sticky tack this thing to wall, but no success. It rolled itself back up and right off the wall! I tried photo mounts. Same thing happened. Charles finally stapled it between two poles. Then he used wire and a photo hanger to hang it on the wall. It can be easily moved any time we want it to be.

Turning to my right, I can see the kids' desks and bookshelf. The desks are adjustable, so we can raise the height as the kids grow. We're hoping to use them all the way through high school!

This is what the kids see when they look at my desk. The long rectangular thingie on the wall is a built in ironing board. It was there when we bought the house and we've guessed that maybe this was a maid's room at one time. We don't use the ironing board because it's in a terrible location, far from the laundry area and bedrooms. I use it to display artwork instead.

The wall opposite my desk has the white board. I love, love, love this thing! Charles attached a cup to the wall so I always have dry erase markers available. Beyond the board you can see the door and into the playroom.

Do you want to see the playroom? I warn you, it is messy. It is used for play, after all. The good news, it has a door that I can shut to hide it from sight!

This is Mr. Lego's favorite spot. You can almost always find him here, working on his creations. See his Angry Birds here. Charles enclosed the table top with boards to keep the Lego corralled. He also built an addition that sticks out there on the right to give Mr. Lego more surface area. And still we step on Legos all the time!

This is part of the Princess' play area. She has a ton of princess stuff and crafty junk tucked into every little nook and cranny.

We also have a TV and video game area. The bookshelves are all built in and have come in handy, too.

And now we're back to the schoolroom on the right. There is a bathroom on the left. Yes, I know it is avocado green. I have accepted it. I have a schoolroom, after all.

Having a bathroom right next to the schoolroom is convenient. No long bathroom breaks for my kids!


  1. I love your desk! Have a great week =)

  2. Great room! And so nice to be near the playroom and bath. You look all set for a great year!

  3. Looks really cute! :) I hope you have a great year!


  4. What a fun area - and how nice to have a nice quiet spot - (I'm assuming there's a lock on that bathroom door - haa haa)

  5. Looks like a great homeschool space! The height-adjustable desks are a great idea for growing kids.

  6. I have a giant version of your desk. I wish I could fit it in our room!

  7. You have like...the trifecta of homeschool needs! Restroom, homeschool room, and playroom all connected? Awesomeness!

  8. Wow..that's awesome! Like Brenda said.. you have it all covered!

  9. What a nice room to school in! Have a wonderful year!

  10. I actually like the "avocado green" color! Ours is next to the bathroom as well, makes it more convenient.

  11. I love the lego area.

  12. Your Lego table is awesome! My son and I are always having "talks" about how much space he can use up with his Legos. :) His ships are always getting shang-hied (sp?) or destroyed by a couple of his younger siblings so I really like your idea of a cover. Good thinking!

  13. I had the same map problem you had. I ended up sticking sticky velcro on each corner to hold it up. Then I thumb tacked in different areas. It aint going anywhere now! LOVE your school room!

  14. My kids would love that table also.

  15. That is an awesome table for legos! My son is slowly outgrowing his and amazingly I'm the one not ready to part with them.

  16. Looks nice. Good idea to make use of the ironing board.

  17. Maybe it was a quilter's craft room. We use ironing boards quite often.
