
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Not Back to School Blog Hop Week 3

Not Back to School Blog Hop

This week's theme is student photos. I'm going to share pictures that explain how my children got their online nicknames.

From Mr. Lego's last birthday party:

Mr. Lego is my analytical builder. He can build almost anything out of Legos. He loves math and science and loves to keep a notebook of ideas for building more Legos.

Here's a pic from the Princess' party last month:

She loves princesses, of course, and anything to do with art. I've never seen a child like her. No scrap of paper is safe and free of doodling if she's around.

Our first day is tomorrow. So I'll take some first-day-of-school shots and update this post then.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! I love seeing all the future leaders in this blog hop =)
