
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not Back to School Blog Hop 2013 Student Week

Time for another round of the Not Back to School Blog Hop hosted by iHomeschool Network. The theme for this week's hop is students. After all, why would we be homeschooling if not for those sweet little darlings?

This is our seventh year homeschooling, and I've been reminiscing about how much my kids have grown and changed over the last few years.
And now here we are - 2013. They're almost teenagers, and one is already in the youth group. Wow!
So let me introduce you.
This is Mr. Lego. He's in 7th grade now. He has now surpassed me in height, though just by a little. We had to raise his desk up a couple notches to accommodate his long legs. His interests include Legos (of course), science fiction and Minecraft. His favorite school subject right now is computer programming, something we just started. He's going to be a computer geek like his dad - and I'm thrilled!

And this is the Princess. She's 11 years old and in the 6th grade. She's not quite as tall as I am (I'm 5'4" by the way) but she's gaining on me. She likes princesses, horses and American Girl dolls. Felicity is her favorite. Her most enjoyable school subject at this moment is science.

And as I have in the past, I have to include Student #3. That's what my other students call her. She's our dog, Alexandra whom we call Xandra (Zandra is how you pronounce it.) She doesn't contribute much to the class except lots of soulful expressions that beg for attention.

We've gotten off to a great start this year, and I'm looking forward to the coming weeks. The children are enjoying their studies, and I'm enjoying being their teacher. I count myself blessed to have such a sweet class!

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