
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Be Still

Last week was to be an extremely busy week for me. We had planned a soup supper for two of our church's Sunday School couples' classes to be held on Saturday, November 2. Everyone was invited to bring their favorite soup to share and either a dessert, bread or drink. We love opening our home to our friends and fellowshipping apart from church.

I had a daily to-do list because I was trying to avoid the last minute mad dash to get the house cleaned and ready. I was so pleased with myself for being organized. Believe me, it's rare enough of an occurrence that it should have been celebrated!

Then I fell.

What can I say? I'm far from graceful. I was standing still at my vanity mirror, then I stepped backward to turn around. I stepped right out of my backless shoe, lost my balance, and landed on my right hip.

Thankfully, my husband works from home. I was able to text him and tell him I'd fallen and I couldn't get up. Yep, I used those exact words.

For two days, I could do absolutely nothing. Sitting hurt. Lying down hurt. Bending down was impossible. Standing was a bit more comfortable. I iced the area non-stop and took anti-inflammatories. But I could do nothing to help prepare for the party.

I had tons of things to do and couldn't really do any of it. But I had a great deal of time to reflect on my misery. And I heard that still, small voice of God whispering, "Be still." Oh, that is so hard!

My family worked overtime to pick up the slack. The house was immaculate. Our friends had a wonderful time, if the amount of food consumed was any indication. Everything went off without a hitch.

Now I know I needed that time to rest. God knew it and even when I struggled to accept it, He extended grace to be still.

What about you? Do you need to be still and rest for a few minutes? Or even a few days? I know we're all busy. We're pulled in all different directions on a daily basis. But sometimes we need a recharge. Don't be afraid to take a few minutes for yourself to rest each day. And don't let an accidental fall be the reason you have to.

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