
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Last night as we were counting down the final minutes until the start of a new year (and as I was yawning, trying to stay awake!), my daughter told me she was going to miss 2013. When I asked her why, she responded that she'd made many good memories - our Disney trip, going with friends to the Georgia Aquarium, spending time with grandparents and cousins.

Yes, 2013 was filled with lots of fun and laughter for our family. But we've had our share of trials, too. God has shown me that He's still God in the hard times as well as the good.

So as we look ahead to this brand new year, we face an uncertain, though hopefully bright, future. We don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. But praise God, we know Who holds tomorrow. I'm so thankful He's got it covered!

From our family to yours, Happy New Year!

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