
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Homemade Hot Chocolate

We've a serious cold snap here in the Deep South. Record-breaking low temps abounded! So I fought back by making homemade hot chocolate. It puts store-bought packets of cocoa to shame! And it's so simple that even my kids can make it.

Here's what you need for 4 one-cup servings:

4 cups milk
1/2 cup chocolate chips (I added a little more 'cause I love chocolate!)
1 teas vanilla

That's it! Only three ingredients.

In a saucepan, slowly warm the milk to a simmer. You don't want it to boil. Now, this might take a few minutes, but you don't want to scorch your milk. Yuck! Slow and steady definitely wins here!

When the milk is simmering, stir in the chocolate chips and vanilla. Keep stirring until all the chips are melted. Pour into mugs and enjoy!


  1. That sounds good. I've made it w' raw cocoa powder before, but never w' chocolate chips. I might have to try this as soon as I feel better. I have had the flu for 8 days & counting. 6 people have died from it here in Washington recently. It is a very bad strain.

  2. Mmmm cocoa :D I've been getting the mcDonalds one when we're out sometimes, though I keep saying kaokao and it makes me all messed up. Vowels don't flow normal up here lol!
