
Monday, April 28, 2014

Zoo Atlanta field trip

We traveled to Zoo Atlanta today with some friends for a fun, educational field trip. The weather was supposed to be rainy and dreary, but we ended up having a lovely time. The temperatures were just right at around 80 degrees for most of the day.

We loved seeing the colorful birds - what a gorgeous example of the beauty of God's creations!
The lions and their cubs were so much fun to watch. It was like they knew they had an audience.
We caught a few glimpses of a Sumatran tiger.
Is he licking his lips while watching us???
I think our favorite animals to see were the giant pandas. It was the very first time I'd ever seen on in person - probably because Zoo Atlanta is only one of 4 zoos in the US that have giant pandas.

Two of the pandas are being prepared to leave for China, where they will participate in breeding programs that will help bring giant pandas back from the brink of extinction.

This is one of them, Po. She didn't move the entire time we watched her.
And the 9-month-old twins are Mei Lun and Mei Huan. They were so amazing to watch! Their mama, Lun Lun, is resting in the front. I imagine that caring for rambunctious twins can wear a panda out!
We had a fun-filled day, observing the wondrous animals God made. Every one of them is important to Him, and He designed them with such intricate detail. It was enjoyable seeing those creations up close.


  1. I love these Zoo photos. Just so colorful.

  2. Great photos! I think we'll have to make it up back there again. We spent a ton of time in the monkey part of the zoo. My dad had to corral 6 11 year olds in the beginning and we had 3 more by the end of the trip, I remember a Christian school bus drove by and a kid flipped us off. My dad said "that's why you go to public school" lol! :D
