
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Please Pray for Tornado Recovery Efforts

Yesterday Alabama and several other states were hit with deadly tornadoes. I was glued to the TV trying to see familiar neighborhoods and the extent of the damage. People on the scene relayed how destructive these storms were.

But by the light of day, the damage was so much more unbelievable. We traveled north to take food and bottled water to our dear friends who have been without power since yesterday morning. The closer we got to their house, the more damage we saw. Trees were down everywhere, some snapped in half, some completely uprooted. Downed power lines crisscrossed the road.

We arrived to see trees just feet away from their home. Siding had been ripped off and shingles were missing. You can see their trampoline wrapped around the bottom of power pole.

There were literally dozens of trees down all around their property. It truly was a miracle that they were not injured and their house was spared severe damage.

On our way home, we were directed to go another way due to work crews trying to remove debris from the roadway. Our GPS took us through an area hit even harder than the one we had just left. Houses were simply gone, leaving only the concrete foundations. Trees were strewn about like discarded toothpicks. Clothes were scattered throughout fields. I can't imagine that anyone in those houses could have survived. I took no pictures of any of it. I was just too horrified.

The death toll continues to rise as more debris is removed. Right now it stands at 207 in Alabama. Other states have also reported multiple fatalities. And it's likely to go even higher. There are dozens of people still unaccounted for.

We need your prayers.


  1. Praying!

    My parents slept in the closet for an hour while there was a tornado over them. It hit 4 miles away, scary stuff.
