
Monday, May 2, 2011

Plan for the Week

I haven't posted a menu plan for this week because the kids and I are traveling to South Carolina tomorrow to await the arrival of our newest family member. My sis-in-law is going to be induced on Wednesday with baby #6. You can read more here on her blog.

Of course, we're all very excited, especially the kids. They love spending time with their cousins and best of all, Grandma will be there too! I'll stay with all the kiddos when it's time for the hospital so Grandma can be there for the baby's arrival. Of the 10 grandchildren so far, she's only been able to present at the hospital with the Princess who was a scheduled c-section. With all of the others, she was either too far away to get there in time or she was watching the older siblings. Since it's very likely this baby is the last grandchild, I really want her to be there for the birth.

We spent most of Saturday helping our dear friends with some clean-up of their property. They are still without electricity but have been able to get low-pressure water service back. Here's a picture of what used to be their children's play house.

The devastation in this area is great. It hasn't received a lot of news coverage because it's a rural area, but I can say firsthand that I've witnessed a spirit of kindness and compassion from strangers that is truly heartwarming. The communities have banded together to help one another with no government funding, no expectation of anything in return. That's loving your neighbor.

Hope y'all have a great week!

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