
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ultimate Blog Party 2013 is Here!

Ultimate Blog Party 2013 

 Okay, friends! It's time to party!

I've got some yummy Triple Berry Crisp to share with you, so dig in!
While you're enjoying your treat, let me tell you a little about myself.

I'm Marsha. I live in the Deep South with my wonderful husband and two children, Mr. Lego and the Princess.
I started blogging a few years ago to share my favorite recipes with family and friends. I'm not a professional chef or baker. I'm just a mom who likes to prepare easy, quick and tasty meals for her family. I often joke with people that if it's not quick and easy, I don't fix it!

So what can you expect if you stick around?

Well, I post a lot of recipes. That's why I started blogging, after all.

I also homeschool my kids, so occasionally I'll share what we're learning and how we're learning it. Besides cooking, homeschooling is my passion. I'm not an expert by any means, but we're about to finish our sixth year so I've got a little experience. I absolutely love the flexibility and freedom we have as a family, and I hope to continue throughout high school.

I'm a Christian, too. Definitely a work-in-progress! As I feel led, I'll share what God is doing in my life. I'm not preachy - though my children might disagree! But I'm not shy about who I am in Christ. God has been so good to me that I can't help but share sometimes!

Now if you want to know anything more about me, just ask. But to give you an idea of my quirkiness, here's a "My Favorite Things" post I did last year on my birthday. Do we share any of the same interests? Leave me a comment and introduce yourself!

Thanks for stopping by and hope you have fun at the Ultimate Blog Party!


  1. Hi dropping by from UBP. :)

    I love your blog because I love recipes I am always open into trying new things in the kitchen .. as long as there easy and quick because I hate cleaning my kitchen afterward.

    I also read your favorite things I love reeses cups to I am practically obsessed with them if i could just eat those all day I would :)

    Elisa @ I Must-ache you,Mama

  2. Thank you for stopping by and for the gorgeous bouquet! Hope you have a great week!

  3. I like your blog! I look forward to reading the cooking recipes cause by the end of the day I'm exhausted and am always looking for an easy recipe for me and the hunni. The Cheesy Chicken Tater Tot Casserole in the Crock pot looks good....
    Hope you have a great week!

  4. What a fun visit for the Ultimate Blog Party 2013. I'm a Christian grandma who loves playing with my grandkids. Tea parties are some of our favorite activities as you can probably tell from my blogs name - Children's Tea Party Sets and Ideas. :) Have a delightful week!

  5. I'm looking forward to checking out your recipes! Thanks for stopping by my site! I always enjoy meeting new people. :)

  6. Why, yes, we do share quite a few interests in common! The Bible being the most important :), but a few others are Sunday afternoon naps (the BEST), medium well steak and of course just food in general.

    You might enjoy our Feast of the Ages recipe series we did starting at Easter during our first year blogging! :) Anyway, I already see a recipe I will be checking out, your Herb Crusted Tilapia. That sounds delicious.

    Have a fun week.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad we have so much in common.

  7. mmmm! Always looking for new blogger buddies and tasty recipes. Can you believe I didn't have an oven until 2012?!

    I'm surfing on over from the UBP! Hope you'll swing by and pay me a visit as well. Party on! ::: Tossing Confetti :::

    {Big hugs}


  8. Hi, new follower here! I found you on UBP13! Your blog is adorable and we definitely have alot in common! Please come by and follow me on my new blog! Have a blessed day!

  9. Howdy and I just started to homeschool and I like to cook as well so we do have some things in common. Have a nice week.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! It's always nice to meet fellow homeschoolers!

  10. Okay, your berry crumble looks awesome and I'm off to explore your favorite things and your blog!

    1. Thanks for coming by and explore all you want!

  11. Happy UBP! Seems like we share several of the same interests! It's always nice to connect with another homeschooling family. I blog about homeschooling, toddlers, special needs homeschooling, Dravet Syndrome, baking Cupcakes, cooking, DIY, Crafting, and all things kid related. Stop on Over!

    1. It's always nice to meet another homeschooler! Thanks for stopping by!
