
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Menu Plan April 8-14

I had an interesting conversation with the Princess last week. She said she wanted to "lay off the sugar, lay off the Xbox and start moving!" She'd read a Berenstain Bear book on nutrition and how junk food affects the body. And she made her own conclusion that she needed to get healthy! How awesome is that?

Now, I don't keep a lot of junk on hand. But still, it's very easy to pick up some chips or sweets on my grocery trips. She wants to learn how to make healthier snacks, so we've looked over some recipes and will be starting to experiment with making more of our own. She mastered scrambled eggs last week and was very proud of herself. I'm beyond thrilled that she's showing an interest in cooking! Whoo hoo!

Not only that, but she wants to exercise, too. And believe me, she is becoming a major motivation to her mama! We have taken some walks and both of us got new bicycles! It's so neat to be doing this together. She is such a blessing to me.

So here's what we've got on the menu this week:

Cheeseburger soup, pretzel bread

Lentil rice burritos, corn

Chicken stir fry and rice

Herb crusted tilapia, garlic roasted potatoes

Homemade pizza

Grilled chicken, grilled veggies

Rigatoni, garlic bread

For more meal planning inspiration, visit Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie.

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