
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Menu Plan September 9-15

I got nothing done last week. Nothing at all. I am suffering from a Vitamin D and iron deficiency, recently diagnosed. At least now I know why I'm so tired. So every day last week, I took a nap. And nothing got done. Charles disagrees. He says I look more alert, so clearly napping was what I needed to get done! Thank God for an understanding husband who cares so much for me!

I tend to balk at such diagnoses. I mean, I know so many people who suffer from debilitating illnesses. A little vitamin deficiency is nothing compared to that. But guess what? It IS a big deal. Left untreated, Vitamin D deficiency can play a role in autoimmune disorders, depression, and weakening of the bones. And that's just a few of the potential problems.

So I'm a vitamin/mineral regimen designed to boost my D and iron levels that will hopefully help me to feel better. My doctor warned me it could take some time, though. I want to take a pill and feel better in the morning. We'll recheck the bloodwork in six weeks and see if I've made any progress. My body will let me know, too.

I'm keeping my meals simple this week. The easier, the better. Here's what I've got planned:

Crockpot roast beef, carrots and potatoes

Herb crusted tilapia

Sesame chicken and rice

Baked egg rolls, sesame noodles

Asian meatball subs, fries

Chicken verde tacos, corn

Cheeseburger soup

For more meal planning inspiration, visit Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.


  1. Sorry to hear about that :(. It's good you're takign supplements! I have anemia as well and it REALLY helps to take b-12. I'd get a lower dose because too high can give you arrhythmia but it helps my anemia a ton along with iron. I hope you feel better soon!

    1. I have anemia, too, but I got the b-12 under control and thought I was doing well with the iron. The Vitamin D thing blindsided me. Big lesson on taking better care of myself!

    2. Here too! I forget to take my supplements. Eating liver helps but argh lol!

  2. I'm visiting from OrgJunkie's MPM post. I bought myself some iron pills/vitamins this weekend. Low iron runs in my family. I'm like you, though, I want to feel better the next day. Hope you're back to your old self soon!

    1. Thank you, Laura! I'm trying to rest as much as possible, but man! Taking it easy is hard. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Stopping by from MPM, take care of yourself but the menu looks awesome! Favoriting the baked egg rolls post! tnx
    -Cinella @ TMB

    1. I hope you like the egg rolls. My family cheers when they're on the menu. Thanks for stopping by!
