
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Menu Plan June 9-15

Last week we had VBS at our church, so we were gone from home every night. I'm worn out, to say the least. But it was worth it. We had 5 young people make decisions for Christ, and between 55-75 kids heard the Word of God proclaimed each night. Praise the Lord!

One of the most exciting parts of VBS was raising money for our missionaries, Dan and Amie Dwire, to purchase solar-powered radios to take back to Uganda, Africa with them in just a few days. They've been in the US for about a year on furlough and will be returning for their third term on the mission field. The radios will be distributed to people in nearby villages so they can listen to Calvary Radio, a Christian radio station that Dan manages there. The VBS kids were so excited to have a part in spreading the gospel in another part of the world. It was amazing to see their enthusiasm!

Our family has been blessed to spend some wonderful times of fellowship with the Dwires over the past few months as they made our church their home base during their furlough. We're going to miss them tremendously when they return to the field, but we're so thankful for their dedication to the work God has called them to. We're even making tentative plans to visit them in Uganda in a couple of years! Whoo hoo!

Now on to this week's menu plan:

Italian sausage rigatoni, garlic bread

Chicken in the crockpot, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce

Pretzel dogs, fries

Southwest pepper steak, rice

Honey lime tilapia, Parmesan zucchini

Ranch veggie pizza

Roast with potatoes in the crockpot

For more meal planning inspiration, visit Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

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