
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Menu Plan June 15-21

Can you believe we're in the middle of June already? We're still staying cool with our skylight sun shield.
I hosted a super fun Bunco night with some ladies from church. It was a relaxed way to get together and fellowship with friends. Each person brought a salad of some sort or sandwiches to share, so no one person had the responsibility of cooking for an entire group.

At the end of the evening we shared prayer requests and prayed together. I realized that everyone is dealing with burdens and hurts. As Christians we need to pray for each other and hold each other up. It helps to ease the burdens and heal the hurts.

So what do you like to do when you get together with friends?

Now on to this week's menu.

Pretzel dogs, mac and cheese

Chicken zucchini bites, steamed cabbage

Crispy baked cod, mashed cauliflower

Crockpot Hungarian goulash over mashed potatoes

Homemade pizza

Chicken curry casserole, roasted brussel sprouts

Father's Day - hubby's choice of restaurants (we phone in an order after church and pick it up on our way home to avoid the crowds and long wait times)

For more meal planning inspiration, visit Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

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