
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Menu Plan June 29-July 5

We had a lovely weekend here in the Deep South. Some cool air breezed through and temps stayed tolerable with little to no humidity. That's quite rare for summertime here, so we enjoyed it very much.

I've got a busy week ahead. My son is getting ready to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic next week, so we've got preparations to make for that.

Then tomorrow, the ladies from my church are coming over for Ladies Night Out. I guess you could call it Ladies Night In for me! Every other month or so, we meet at a restaurant for a time of food and fellowship. This time I was asked to host the meeting just to add a little variety. Everyone is bringing a salad of some sort or a dessert. I'm really looking forward to it!

So here's what is on the menu this week:

Ladies Night Out

Moroccan chicken, Parmesan couscous

Jambalaya, cheesy garlic biscuits

Baked cube steak with potatoes and carrots


Grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and pork chops
Watermelon, mac and cheese, pasta salad


For more meal planning inspiration, visit Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

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