
Monday, July 6, 2015

Menu Plan July 6-12

Did everyone have a great Fourth of July? We kept our celebration low-key. It rained much of the weekend so it was cooler than normal for this time of year. We grilled hot dogs, hamburgers and pork chops then watched the Disney World firework display online since rain washed our community's fireworks out. Even though it was not a huge to-do this year, we enjoyed our family downtime.

This week is shaping up to be a busy one.

First, the Princess turns 13 on Wednesday. Now I'll have 2 teenagers in the house! Wow!

Then Mr. Lego leaves on Thursday for a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. He'll be gone for 9 days. In a foreign country. Without me. Oh, Lord, calm this mama's heart! Even though I'm a little nervous, I pray the Lord uses him and his team for His glory.

So here's what I've got planned for this week's menu:

Cheeseburger rice, roasted brussel sprouts

Panko crusted salmon, zucchini noodles

Pretzel dogs, homemade fries

Chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes


Grilled chicken, grilled veggies

Crockpot beef bourguinon

For more meal planning inspiration, visit Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

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